Sunday 11 April 2021


SCREAm by The Hong Kong Files Movie

1 comment:

  1. Trailers – Sophisticated and convincing productions: both the main and the teaser trailer immediately engage the audience through the visual and sound codes. Combining intertitles with informative and atmospheric shots, such as the twin towers of the Belvedere, efficiently and rapidly establishes the narrative framework. The editing is handled in a sophisticated way, with striking visual images (ghostly hands seen through frosted glass; snow-prints on a moving swing; ‘HELP’ written in the snow; locked doors; endless misty forests; gravestones; underground passages), compelling soundtrack (either synched well with hard cuts or interwoven with dialogue; creaking swings; dramatic warnings; the pronouncements of elders; ironically tinkling children’s party music).
    The camerawork engages audience interest with its wide variety (tracking shots through the forest; canted angles for the chase sequence; CUs of terrified teens; low angle shots of attacker; drone cam high over the Belvedere
    The productions exemplify all film trailer conventions (BBFC certificate; production company ident; ghost / terror story genre conventions; intertitles; pull quotes; release date; institutional information). Both convincingly create compelling hooks to attract and address target audiences and are technically finished to the highest standards.



SCREAm by The Hong Kong Files Movie