Sunday 28 March 2021



  1. Excellent work of the best standard: you have evaluated your poster design in detail and documented the stages of its development with thoughtful critical insight. Your reflections here show the refinements to your design in detail and are expressed with sophisticated understanding of how meaning is made for your audience. You have applied your research convincingly to your production. Your Canva presentation shows a high standard of creativity.

  2. You have researched the film poster genre thoroughly and have implemented its codes and conventions. Your poster for 'Charlotte' works cohesively with the film trailers and the website as part of a well-integrated pack as it prioritises the key visual element of the Belvedere, and the ghostly image of Charlotte, together with the tagline that creates a sense of supernatural threat. The monochrome fits the horror /ghost genre. The framing is centred on the shadowy face of Charlotte which is made the centre of visual interest as the lines of the trees, hedges and building draw the eye to her, lending her sinister threatening power (as the tagline emphasises). The title drips blood and the the single strongly coloured element, which makes it more powerful. Your poster leverages accolades from festivals and magazines to endorse audience interest and position the film as rooted in historical truth (which is always a useful hook). The poster is furnished with institutional information (billing block), release date, social media links.



SCREAm by The Hong Kong Files Movie